MIT Institute of Design

Faculty Team

Associate Prof. Dr. Wricha Mishra


Associate. Prof. Dr. Wricha Mishra

Incharge H.O.D. User Experience Design
Dr. Wricha Mishra has completed her Doctoral studies from National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai. Her research interest primarily revolves around Design Management, Human Factors, Human Computer Interaction, User Experience Design Methodologies & Health Informatics. Her domain of consultancy projects is on Health Informatics, Human Computer interaction & Design Management. She has edited several books on Human Computer Interaction. Apart from being on editorial board of a few International Journals, she has been invited as curator of a few prestigious Design Awards. She is also paper setter, examiner and moderator in Mumbai University & SNDT University.
Selected International Journal Publications:
  • Wricha Mishra, Amitabha De, Somnath Gangopadhyay, Ananga M Chandra, A Study of Musculoskeletal Discomforts and Associated Risks among Indian Percussion (Tabla) Players. Ergonomics South Africa (2013), 25(2): 2-11
  • Wricha Mishra, Amitabha De, Somnath Gangopadhyay, Ananga M Chandra, Playing Related Musculoskeletal Disorders among Indian Tabla players, Medical Journal of Performing artists (2013),28(2): 107111.
  • Rauf Iqbal, Amitabha De, Wricha Mishra, Shreya Maulik, A.M Chandra, Study on lumbar kinematics and the risk of low back disorder in female university students by using shoes of different heel heights Work: A journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation (2012), 41: 2521-2526
  • Amitabha De, U. Dhar, T. Virkar, C. Altekar, W. Mishra, V. Parmar, M. Mutakekar, Rauf Iqbal, A.M. Chandra A study of subjective visual disturbances in jewellery manufacturing Work: A journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation (2012), 41:3404-3411
  • Wricha Mishra, Amitabha De, R. Iqbal, S. Gangopadhyay and A.M. Chandra, An Integrative Approach for Evaluating Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, Rehabilitation (2012), 43(4) :437 :446.
International Conference Publications:
  • Shubham Bhosale & Wricha Mishra & Anant Chakradeo, User Centred System Design for Indian Railway Parcel Service, accepted for publication @ Taylor & Francis in ICITS 2019, Udaipur
  • Aishwarya Pargaonakr, Wricha Mishra, Sudarsan Kadam, A study on elderly Individuals: Attitude towards ICTs , published in 7th International Conference on Research into Design, I cord 2019 Springer publication,
  • Pranjali Pachpute, Shubham Johari, and Wricha Mishra, Allocentric and Egocentric behavior of people while wayfinding published in ICIPDIMS 2019 Springer publication
  • Wricha Mishra, Anirban Chowdhury, Debayan Dhar, Optimizing Operation Research Strategy for Design Intervention: A Framework for GOMS Selection Rule:: Research into Design for Communities ICoRD(2016): 1, 61-70
  • Wricha Mishra, Amitabha De, Rauf Iqbal ,Vivek Khanzoade, SomnathGangopadhyay, Ananga M Chandra: A study on agony of Indian Percussonist, Ergonomics in Caring for People Springer Publication (2015)